Blinks Developers


Resources for Blinks developers

Quickstart Guide

Functionality Guide

API Reference


Games Primer

Blinks API Reference

Glossary - glanceable reference


void setColor(color);
// sets all 6 pixels on all faces to the same Color
void setColorOnFace(color, face);
// sets a single pixel on a face (0-5) to this Color


Color makeColorRGB(red, green, blue);
// R, G, and B values [0-255]

Color makeColorHSB(hue, saturation, brightness);
// H, S, and V values [0-255]

Color dim(color, value);
// returns the color passed in a dimmer state 
//(0-255 bucketed into 32 levels of brightness)

#define RED     makeColorRGB(255,   0,   0)
#define ORANGE  makeColorRGB(255, 127,   0)
#define YELLOW  makeColorRGB(255, 255,   0)
#define GREEN   makeColorRGB(  0, 255,   0)
#define CYAN    makeColorRGB(  0, 255, 255)
#define BLUE    makeColorRGB(  0,    , 255)
#define MAGENTA makeColorRGB(255,   0, 255)
#define WHITE   makeColorRGB(255, 255, 255)
#define OFF     makeColorRGB(  0,   0,   0)


 *  All button handling is done with flags, so when
 *  you call a function, it returns the value of 
 *  the flag (i.e. whether or not that action 
 *  has occured) and only when you have  
 *  called the function will it reset 
 *  the flag to false

bool buttonPressed();
// a flag is set to true on the change from button up to button down
// buttonPressed() returns that flag and sets it back to false

bool buttonReleased();
// a flag is set to true on the change from button 
// down to button up buttonReleased() returns that
// flag and sets it back to false

bool buttonSingleClicked();
// a flag is set to true when the the 
// button goes from down to up
// only once in under 330ms. The flag is set exactly 
// 330ms after the button is up
// buttonSingleClicked() returns that flag and sets it back to false

bool buttonDoubleClicked();
// returns true when a double click has been recorded 
// (down-up-down-up under 330ms*)
// ^ also a flag with the same properties as above

bool buttonMultiClicked();
// returns true when multiple click has been recorded 
// (down-up...down-up under 330ms*)
// ^ also a flag with the same properties as above

byte buttonClickCount();
// returns the number of clicks recorded during button multi clicking
bool buttonLongPressed();
// returns true when the button has been down for more than 3000ms (3 seconds)
// ^ also a flag with the same properties as above

bool buttonDown();
// returns true when the button is down
// ^ also a flag with the same properties as above


void setValueSentOnAllFaces(value);
// sets a value (0-63) to be sent 
// repeatedly (every loop() cycle) on all 6 faces

void setValueSentOnFace(value, face);
// sets a value (0-63) to be sent repeatedly (every loop() cycle) 
// on the face specified

byte getLastValueReceivedOnFace(face);
// retreives the last value seen on the 
// specified face even if expired
// (i.e. last message from neighbor)
// defaults to 0 on startup

bool isValueReceivedOnFaceExpired(face);
// returns true if the message from a 
// neighbor has expired
// (i.e. it's been longer than 200ms since we last 
// received a message from this neighbor)

bool didValueOnFaceChange(face);
// returns true if the value on this face is different 
// from the last stored seen value on this face

bool isAlone();
// returns true if all faces have expired values
// (i.e. it is safe to assume this Blink is now alone)


unsigned long millis();
// monotonically incrementing timer
// remains constant in a single pass of loop()
// i.e. millis() will return the same value at the top 
// of loop() and the bottom.
// This does not increment while asleep.
// The value will reset (roll over) after ~50 days.
void set(duration);
// Duration should be set in milliseconds
// used like this:
// Timer myTimer;
// myTimer.set(millisTilExpired);
bool Timer.isExpired();
// Check whether a timer has expired like this:
// Timer.myTimer;
// if ( myTimer.isExpired() ) {
//   // the set duration has passed
// }

long Timer.getRemaining();
// Returns the time remaining on the timer in milliseconds
// Returns 0 when timer is expired

void never();
// set the timer to never expire, like this:
// Timer.myTimer;
// myTimer.never();




// f increments from 0-5 (i.e. each face)

// pass this function an array and it will returns number of elements in the array

byte sin8_C(byte);
// pass it values from 0 - 255
// it returns values from 0 - 255 - 0 in a sin pattern

byte map(value, input_min, input_max, output_min, output_max);
// map will translate the value from the input scale to the output scale
// for instance, if you called map( 1, 0, 2, 0, 4) you would get 2
// because the 1's position between 0 and 2 is equivalent to 2's position between 0 and 4
// minimums must be smaller than maximums in both input and output
// this function cannot be used to map things in reverse by reversing those values


#define FACE_COUNT 6
// 6 for the number of faces the current Blinks have 
// (maybe a new tesselation for heptagons will be found and we'll come out with a new version, but until then, six.)

#define MAX_BRIGHTNESS 255
// 255 for the highest brightness level displayed
// Note: brightness actually only has 31 different values,
// however, we scale them to 0-255 to match a familia 8-bit color scheme 

// Length of the globally unique serial number (9 bytes long)


uint16_t random( uint16_t limit );
// Return a random number between 0 and limit inclusive.

void randomize();
// Seeds the random number generator
// If you don't call this, your random calls will be
// the same each time you reinstall the game

byte getSerialNumberByte( byte n );
// Read the unique serial number for this blink tile
// There are 9 bytes in all, so n can be 0-8